BIBD heralds holy Ramadhan with 13th Sirah Amal

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) recently concluded its annual Sirah Amal activities for the 13th consecutive year in the spirit of welcoming the holy fasting month of Ramadhan.

In upholding the principles of Maqasid Shariah which include preserving the well-being of others and in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger and poverty, the bank’s employees banded together to visit 100 households to contribute relief items.

BIBD, as part of its annual CSR activities, donated items consisting of shopping vouchers and internal donations such as foods and raya items to support preparations during Ramadhan and for the upcoming Syawal to help the recipients prepare during Ramadhan and for the upcoming Syawal.

Image: BIBD

Staff and personnel of the bank also took the opportunity of the blessed month to share their own personal voluntary contributions and blessings with the recipients.

The recipients comprised of the BIBD ALAF students (55 houses) and a number of underprivileged Muallafs (45 houses) obtained through a close cooperation and coordination with the Islamic Da’wah Centre, Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The 13th Sirah Amal began on 17th March with a visit to families in the Brunei-Muara District carried out by several teams from the bank’s various divisions.

Meanwhile, a team led by BIBD’s Managing Director and CEO Junaidi Haji Masri carried out the drive on 22 March. The initiative was carried out across all four districts nationwide.

Image: BIBD

“Alhamdulillah, as we carry out our annual, Sirah Amal, we are reminded of the importance of sharing our blessings with those around us. This is not only an act of kindness but also a fundamental principle of Maqasid Shariah, which emphasises the importance of social justice and equity. By sharing our blessings, we can help those who are less fortunate and contribute to building a more just and equitable society,” said BIBD Chief Marketing Officer, Hajah Nurul Akmar binti Haji Md Jaafar.

“BIBD’s support of Maqasid Shariah and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) is a reflection of our commitment to promoting social responsibility and sustainable development. Through our various initiatives and programmes, we have demonstrated a deep understanding of the importance of giving back to the community and supporting those in need as well as inspiring others to follow suit and make a difference in our country and the world,” she added.


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