Brunei records 263 new cases, BruHealth required after 6pm

Three positive cases have passed away today with only case categorised as death due to COVID-19, announced the Minister of Health.

With this new development, the total number of COVID-19 related fatalities in Brunei stands at 27 cases.

The first case was Case 2688, a 32-year-old woman died of a lung infection after contracting COVID-19.

Whereas the other two cases; Case 4796, an 84-year-old man and Case 5022, a 42-year-old man suffered multiple health problems and not categorised as death due to COVID-19.

Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Md Isham Hj Jaafar in a press briefing also announced that 263 new active cases were also recorded on Friday, with the total number of COVID-19 cases in Brunei rises to 5,960.

Meanwhile, 127 individuals have recovered from COVID-19. With that, the minister added, the total number of recovered cases in the country has increased to 4,022.

Moreover, five new clusters have been identified on Friday namely; the 3774 Cluster, 5390 Cluster, 5677 Cluster, 5448 Cluster and 5673 Cluster which involved 38 cases including cases that were previously unidentified in their sources of infection.

With this, the active clusters in Brunei stand at 103.

It was also reported that there were 113 additional new cases to 17 of the existing active clusters and they are those who are currently being quarantined and were found to be in contact with several confirmed cases.

Meanwhile, 112 cases are still being investigated to determine the source of the infection, said the minister.

“Contact tracing for all these new cases is in full swing and identified close contacts are required to undergo mandatory quarantine and RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 testing,” he added.

Currently, there are 1,898 active cases in the country and among these cases, seven are in critical condition, where all cases require assistance of artificial ventilation and one case still requires the help of an additional heart/lung machine (ECMO).

Furthermore, 31 cases that were categorised in Category 4 are now admitted at the Intensive Care Unit for close monitoring, said the minister.

In the past 24 hours, a total of 4,609 samples have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus which brings the total number of laboratory tests conducted from January 2020 to 325,991.

BruHealth app required after 6pm

The Ministry of Health also announced that commencing 25 September at 6pm, only individuals who have the BruHealth app on their mobile phones or individuals who share the BruHealth app with other known individuals, such as their caregivers, employers, managers or friends are allowed out of their household in accordance with the Infectious Disease Act (Section 62A, Chapter 204).

“Anyone who fails to comply with this directive will be subject to legal action,” the minister said.

YB Dato Dr Hj Md Isham went on to remind the public to abide by all directives that have been issued to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The public are advised not to leave the house without an important purpose and if required to leave their house, they should not go to crowded areas and practice physical distancing,” he said.

“This is in addition to practicing personal safety measures such as wearing a face mask, frequently washing your hands and practicing proper coughing and sneezing etiquettes,” the minister added.

For further information and latest updates, please visit the official website of the Ministry of Health at by contacting the Health Advice Line 148 or email to the BruHealth App.


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