The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS) in the Ministry of Finance and Economy has issued a compound to a retail store Halimun for infringing the Display of Prices Order.
The company was issued a compound of $500 for failure to display price tags on goods sold in the business premise, said the department in a statement.
The Display of Prices Order obliges businesses to practice ethical business conduct by displaying price tags clearly and accurately, as well as not to misled consumers in making purchasing decisions.
Ethical business conduct is fundamental in building consumer trust, which in turn helps to contribute to creating a healthy business environment.
Businesses found to violate the Display of Prices Order may face a maximum penalty of $20,000 fine and imprisonment of five years.
Any complaints on misleading business conduct can be reported to DEPS through Talian Darussalam 123, the PenggunaBijak mobile app or via email to

This article was first published on 19 March 2022 in our Weekly Epaper issue 185 |