Insurans Islam TAIB Family Takaful Sdn Bhd (IITFT) recently launched their new short-term savings and protection product dubbed “ArRizq Max Takaful Plan”.
The press conference event was held at Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd, Head Office, Kiulap.
The event began with a welcoming remark speech by IITFT’s General Manager, YM Awang Haji Shamsul Haji Muhamad followed by a product presentation by IITFT’s Sales Senior Executive Officer, YM Hajah Siti Norahimah Haji Abdurahim.

“The ArRizq Max Takaful Plan is the first short-term savings product that we introduced ever since our establishment in 1993,” said IITFT’s General Manager, YM Awang Haji Shamsul Hj Muhamad.
“Why did we launch this product? We wanted to provide the public alternative savings provided by takaful as well as offer better return as we know that post-covid we noticed that there have been challenges in getting better returns in terms of savings,” he shared.
“This product is also a two-in-one product — savings product and also a takaful product,” he added.

Ar-Rizq Max Takaful Plan is not only a short-term savings, it also provides Takaful coverage of BND5,000.00 with a contribution of BND25.00 for a period of one year, in the event of death caused by an accident or illness.
Citizens or Permanent residents of Brunei Darussalam aged 18 to 68 years old are eligible for the product.

Participants can start saving as low as BND 1000.00 up to BND 100,000.00 and can enjoy the current indicative return of 3.61 per cent* at maturity, subject to market performance with terms and conditions apply.
Present during the press conference event were YM Haji Hassan Bin Haris, Acting Managing Director of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings and YM Haji Mohd Yusreza Bin Haji Mohd Yussin, Assistant Managing Director of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings.
To learn more about Ar-Rizq Max Takaful Plan, please visit our website or contact our Family Takaful Helpline at 222-3006.