Infocom Federation Brunei names new chairperson, council members

The Infocom Federation Brunei (IFB) recently held its 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) which saw the appointment of its new chairperson Pg Sarimah Pg Hj Abdul Latiff.

The AGM also elected 14 other new members of the IFB executive council committee for a three-year tenure from 2021 until 2024 for posts as office bearers, council members and honorary appointment. IFB Honorary Legal Adviser Ivan Leong was the observer of the meeting and election.

Pg Sarimah will succeed Sheikh Hj Abas Sheikh Mohamad, who is stepping down after serving a two-term tenure as Chairman.

Prior to the election, Sheikh Hj Abas delivered his opening remarks followed by presentation of the annual and financial reports for 2020 by committee members Vincent Chok and Gary Liau.

In its statement, IFB expressed its gratitude to former chairman Sheikh Hj Abas for his remarkable leadership as well as to outgoing executive council members for their invaluable contributions in leading and directing IFB over the last two terms, in accordance with the Federation Constitution’s term of appointment.

Sheikh Hj Abas is also a founding member of the federation and now appointed as IFB Honorary Adviser. Other honorary advisers to IFB are Pg Hj Mohammad Pg Hj Kamaluddin and Hj Abdul Ghani Pg Hj Metusin who are founding members and former chairmen of the association.

IFB is a non-profit national body formed on 15 August 2007 with the aim to grow and nurture Brunei’s ICT industry.

The society is non-sectarian, non-communal and non-political with the vision is to be the confident and trusted voice and forum for a growing ICT Industry in the sultanate Brunei Darussalam through collaboration and liaison, in line with Wawasan Brunei 2035.

This article was first published on 16 April 2022 in our Weekly Epaper issue 189 |


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