Brunei’s exports value rose by 7.4 per cent in September 2023 compared to August 2023 due to the rise in mineral fuels, mainly contributed by the increase in the export value of crude oil and petrochemical products.
However, total trade fell by 4.0 per cent in September 2023 compared to August 2023. This decrease was due to the fall in imports’ value of 19.1 per cent.
The five main imports by commodity for September 2023 were Mineral Fuels (68.5 per cent), followed by Machinery and Transport Equipment (11.5 per cent), Food (6.8 per cent), Manufactured Goods (5.0 per cent), and Chemicals (3.6 per cent).

The main export markets in September 2023 were Australia (24.3 per cent), followed by Singapore (17.3 per cent), and People’s Republic of China (15.3 per cent). The largest export commodities to these countries were Mineral Fuels and Chemicals.
The biggest import partners were Malaysia (32.3 per cent), followed by United Arab Emirates (21.0 per cent) and Kazakhstan (15.6 per cent), with Mineral Fuels as the largest import commodity. 6. 62.3 per cent of imports were used as Intermediate Goods for processing, followed by Capital Goods (34.3 per cent) for business operations and Consumption Goods (3.4 per cent) for household use. Meanwhile, 95.8 per cent of trade by value was delivered through sea transport.

This was followed by air transport (3.0 per cent) and via land (1.2 per cent). During the period January to September 2023, total trade was BND17,719.1 million, comprising exports valued at BND10,639.6 million and imports amounting to BND7,079.5 million, resulting in trade surplus of BND3,560.1 million.
The International Merchandise Trade Statistics report for September 2023 can be accessed through the DEPS’s website at